Schedule (2014)
Note: Schedule is preliminary and subject to change.
9 a.m.: Doors open. Registration, continental breakfast with coffee and tea service, and networking (first floor).
9:30 a.m.: Plenary by Char James-Tanny, followed by Welcome by Peter Fay (IBM) (first floor auditorium).
9:50 a.m.: Keynote by Judy Brewer (first floor auditorium).
10:45 a.m.: Finish updating schedule with topics added from attendees (second floor). Note: Schedule will be posted on whiteboards on the second floor and online.
11 a.m. |
12 p.m. |
12:45 p.m. |
2:10 p.m. |
3:20 p.m. |
Back Bay 2207 |
For Beginners: Quality and the “Secret Mission”, Devorah Firestone |
Lunch |
Things I Wish I Knew When I Started, Billy GregoryView the slides. |
Living on the Learning Curve: Don’t Fall In! Minding the Gap between Developer and User Knowledge, Sassy Outwater |
Bringing User Perspectives to Accessibility Reviews: An MBTA/TPG Case Study, Linda Brelsford (MBTA) and Sarah Horton (TPG) |
Bunker Hill 2211 |
Accessible Online Learning Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities, Sarah Horton and David SloanView the slides at SlideShare. |
Lunch |
Creating Accessible DITA, Bob Johnson |
Lessons Learned Implementing Accessibility in Fortune 50 Enterprises: A Case Study, Dylan Barrel |
Making the Workplace Inclusive for Everyone, Peter Fay |
Copley Square 2217 |
Taking On Accessibility Challenges in Complex Web Applications, Shawn Lauriat |
Lunch |
Accessibility and the HTML5 Canvas Element, Mark Sadecki |
Developing a Global Digital Accessibility Policy: What’s Going On Around the World?, David SloanView the slides at SlideShare. |
Organizational Effectiveness in Implementing Accessibility, Sunish Gupta |
Lechmere 2224 |
Open |
Lunch |
Responsive Web Design, Accessibility Challenges, and Solutions, Dylan Barrell and Travis Marasca |
Using Quail for Automated Web Accessibility, Jesse Beach |
Future of Entertainment and Communications, Pratik Patel |
Mt. Auburn 2228 |
Open |
Lunch |
Open |
Open |
Open |
North End 2229 |
Mobile Accessibility on the Move, Kathy Wahlbin |
Lunch |
Learning to Use NVDA, Pratik Patel |
Analyzing a Website for Accessibility, John Croston
View the slides. |
Creating Accessible Documents with Google Docs, Shawn Lauriat |
4:30 p.m.: Closing session (first floor auditorium).
4:50 p.m.: Thank you for coming! Enjoy the rest of the day and evening in the Boston area.
Note: The Cambridgeside Galleria has a variety of food options if you don’t want to travel far. In addition, there are numerous restaurants in the area.